Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy birthday, baby!

So today is my hubby's birthday.....Tomme is old now, he's 32 (I joke because I'm older....) Tomme doesn't really like pictures of himself, so I decided that I would showcase his obsessions! :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

A letter to my cat.....

Dear Alice,
I am placing a formal request that you refrain from jumping on my back in the middle of the night and trying to sleep there. Also, it is very creepy to wake up in the middle of the night to you staring at me, 3 inches from my face. I'm aware that you are plotting my demise, but do you have to be so obvious? Thankfully, I moved as you scratched me this morning, so you missed a vein! I guess throwing up this afterwards was your retribution?

Signed, the person who cleans your litter box and buys your food

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My one and only New Years resolution

I wasn't going to make any New Years resolutions this year, because I just break them within a month or so, but I've decided to make one. I'm going to blog more regularly. It's not that I don't have things to blog about...since this blog went live my wedding anniversary, Christmas shopping & decorating, Christmas, and New years has happened, no blogging about it. Hell, when I'm out running errands I see and deal with things that I think "I should blog about the crazy librarian I dealt with today" but by the time I get home I have forgotten.....so it is just a matter of getting into the habit of doing it, and a lot.

So, for my 3.6 readers out there, yes I will blog more often, and hopefully more interestingly!

BTW, I hate that auto correct on my phone has gotten me out of the habit of capitalizing "I".....damn auto correct!